Next up
Releasing the first color build of the game, itll be under a seperate package. If my testers and you guys like it, Ill keep it! If not, we'll go back to just gameboy palletes. Ill probably try different color schemes until I find a good one.
Big things are happening!
Beneath is Halted (for now)
An explanation:
Above is my second forage into Beneath's universe. The game is going to be shorter and more of a side story for Ivera, but Im going to release less builds and make each one more fleshed out- so no cluttered mess builds.
Demo coming soon!
Coming Soon
I told myself I wouldn't do it until I figured out fighting mechanics, but I cant help myself-
New ending in the next update, and better music.
New update today, just some more color switches. I think Im putting the game to full GBC now, just gotta test everything once more and then Ill upload the new build.
New update is here!