Sharky's Pizzeria! Nightshift
3 years ago

Why SPN is taking so long.

As you may have noticed, there hasn't been any devlogs since the one with Rhiny. This is because of lack of any progress up until now. I know this can sound bad for some of you and you might be angry for that, but i'll explain why this is the case.

SPN is being worked on by 6 people, almost each doing something different. The team has only one programmer, one modeler, three directors and one pixel artist. It's a really small team and every one has been really busy lately with other projects and real life stuff.

Im gonna be honest, the most recent progress regarding the game was the Rhiny model, excluding some sprites that have been made like a week or two ago. The programming progress has been only the menu so far, so that's also not too exciting.

This game was started about 2 years ago, and yet there is little to no real progress to show. Im sorry this game is taking so long to make and I apologise for the lack of content shown. Im not saying right now that this game is cancelled, don't worry about that. But I will say that the game will be put on hold until we find more people to help in making this game. If you know how to program in Unity or model in Blender/C4D or even if you know someone who does, let me know, I would really appreciate it.

But for now, don't really expect any often teasers. When there will be progress, I promise I'll show it to you guys and I promise that this game will be made, no matter how long it will take.



Next up

Happy New Year everyone! I know there wasn't any exciting news recently so, here's Rhiny!

Thank you Scott, for everything.

Happy Five Nights at Freddy's 9th Anniversary! Render by me. Also here's the TV render in case you'd like to use it as a wallpaper! #HappyBirthdayFNaF

Construction is almost done...

Happy 10th Anniversary FNaF!!!

Happy 1st Fazbear Fanverse Anniversary!

Happy 7th Anniversary!

It turns out that today marks the 2nd anniversary of SPN's developement.

Here's the first lore teaser! These will be posted every 2 weeks and if you wanna theorize about them, do so in the discord server!