9 months ago
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Suction Cup Man Generations
Shadow Sonic Possible Redesign
Shadow Sonic & the Great Voidling
Shadow and Maria having a little stroll
Saw-Amy [Basically Crazed Amy and Sawnoob Combined]
Shadow Sonic [Not to be confused with Shadow the Hedgehog, or FNaS' Shadow Sonic, because they're 3 different characters]
Another name I had for him: DS2H [Dangerous Sonic 2 Hijack], or Sonic.DS2H
Everyone, meet: Chaos!
The New Character I Made for BLUEHEDGESONIC. She May be Relevant in the Series.
I'm still working on her backstory, so stay tuned!
Yellow - Happy, Cyan - Amused, Navy Blue - Sad, Hot Pink/Red - Angry.
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