No the game isn't cancelled
it's still being worked on
but it is being fully remade
why? because most of the people
that used to be on the team have left the team
AND because i want to make it better
then it was... or so i hope
if you are willing to join the team that would be of great help
i am looking for artists and spriters
also another reason why i havent posted in so long is
because i have taken a pretty long break from the undertale comunity for obvious reasons
so yea the game is basically in a brand new state again
it will still have most of the content it had before but reworked to be hopefully better and more engaging
a new devlog should be up soon but dont expect it TOO soon either especially because school has started
Also if you post hate comments i will delete them a basic lession in human decency is that if you have nothing nice to say you shouldn't say it