why the peoples fears Kiseichu?
he just a cute, little and adorable kitty
Kiseichu created and owned by me and Co-Owned by @PZZ-MONTH-FEBRUARY
Next up
alright guys, we need a official VA for Kiseichu that know both english and japanese, If you're interested, contact me on discord: Willie_theRabbit or here on gamejolt!
doodle cuz i bored
Sonic123 created and owned by : Phantasm, Smokievgm and cheesybreader
Vs exe idle sprite remake because its a bit dated https://www.mediafire.com/file/n0acqr305fv64w7/EXEIDLEANIMPARTS.… Heres the parts incase you want to animate the idle!!!
arabic demon and parasitic yokai = friends!
Kiseichu (the japanese) by me and @PZZ-MONTH-FEBRUARY
Almutahar (the arabic) by Hogman303 on twitter
Cold so cold
Sl4sh and EYX/draenog
i got bored, so here the new Kiseichu design
created and owned by me and co-owned by @PZZ-MONTH-FEBRUARY
Kiseichu created and owned by me and co owned by @PZZ-MONTH-FEBRUARY
before questions, YEA, that worm is Kiseichu's true form and YEA, this is the new design of Kiseichu and it's inspired by angry birds parasite by vibingleaf