Basically, the tl;dr of it all: Maybe, but it's unlikely.
As for what I need to say in general? Well, mods can and are usually good. Thing is, I don't want various people cancelling me for using mods that're made by controversial people, for example, I wanted to add the sky mod's Sky and what I called "Manifest Sky", which is the Sky that appears when she sings Manifest; Only problem is the obvious drama and I don't wanna be apart of it.
Same with the Vs. 4Chan mod, which, is pretty unfortunate, since I have seen the mod in action, and it looks great... buuut again: Drama is surounded with it. And I don't want fnfcc to be surounded with drama either.
I do have icons ready just incase, however. Although don't count on too many mod characters getting shown off in this game, if I do want to. Then again, who knows? Maybe It'll happen in the sequel/prequel/spinoffthingy that i'm making that idk what to name it as!
but again... it's unlikely. Okhand out.