Friday Night Funkin': Custom Catastrophe
3 years ago

Will I add mod characters?

Basically, the tl;dr of it all: Maybe, but it's unlikely.

As for what I need to say in general? Well, mods can and are usually good. Thing is, I don't want various people cancelling me for using mods that're made by controversial people, for example, I wanted to add the sky mod's Sky and what I called "Manifest Sky", which is the Sky that appears when she sings Manifest; Only problem is the obvious drama and I don't wanna be apart of it.

Same with the Vs. 4Chan mod, which, is pretty unfortunate, since I have seen the mod in action, and it looks great... buuut again: Drama is surounded with it. And I don't want fnfcc to be surounded with drama either.

I do have icons ready just incase, however. Although don't count on too many mod characters getting shown off in this game, if I do want to. Then again, who knows? Maybe It'll happen in the sequel/prequel/spinoffthingy that i'm making that idk what to name it as!

but again... it's unlikely. Okhand out.



Next up

ok so basically the fnf boyfriend is name is Cam apparently...

and what're my thoughts on the matter?

oh look, l o r e !

New Character(s): The Arrows!

Decided to make this little minicomic.

All OCs (O_Deadmeatboy, Virus Pico) made by me.

Oh hecc it's a teaser

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Look-alike Mario Battler.