Today I have been working on a wireframe for the game screen.
Some of the features I want in the UI are:
Have a button that switches between edit interface and drive interface
Show energy bars such as use and gain of eletricity and the pressure tanks for vertical elevation.
The different slot types: Inside (yellow) and outside hull (blue) and different equipment pieces that requires different slot configurations to fit. Currently I sketched out a turbine, a search light and a drill.
A messaging system for story and status updates
A way to turn on and off modules of the ship to lets say preserve energy or silence.
The 2nd progress for today is an early experiment inside Unity with perlin noise and octave layers. I’ll be using later a spreadsheet driven data set with different types of materials.
This early prototype allows to change the noise settings and thresholds for the rock and soft materials as well as seeded objects to be placed along.
The idea is to use marching squares later to create 2.5D geometry along the camera. As soon as the camera moves existing tile sets are recycled and new ones are re-generated.
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