So to start, I've recently made a bit more progress on SSCN, mainly just fixing issues when I get the inspiration. With the biggest piece of progress being that I have begun working on making the finalized cameras.

Here is a WIP of the show stage, it leans a lot heavier into the environment wall paint than initially planned. However it will be offset by some more indoor things (stage lights, speakers, ect.)
Now as many people know, on November 15th Twitter will be changing it's policies to no longer let users turn off their tweets being used to train it's ai. So I have been busy setting up a Bluesky account!

I have been using it as of late more than Twitter, and by the date above I will fully commit to using it instead of twt.
As such I will be using it as a replacement, posting project teasers there.
And finally. The reason I haven't been active on here lately.
I have been working on a little project behind the scenes, and I was hoping to get a majority done by the end of the month for a more proper reveal. I feel like with the recent FNaS news, now may be a great (or terrible) time to announce this.
I am officially working on turning FNaS: Cloned-Up! into a series of FNaS remakes.
I have not done much for this new version, but here's the office.

It is honestly one of my most proud pieces as of now. Making great use of lighting, which is something I am not great at. (Hence the lack of shading in SSCN)
That will be all for now, expect more news sometime soon, have a nice day!