Hi there, I'm melty and I made a mod about some of my characters. I have finally finished the first week of it and I am now preparing for update 2 which will contain a full new week, but this one's a little more ambitious which means I need some help, im lookin' for 2 cutscene animators, LUA and Mechanic Coders (As in Lua I mean stages and stuff), and 1 vocal composer (Make chromatics, and put vocals over instrumentals to make sure the sound good lol)
(I can't pay as I don't have money, but I can offer to work on any projects you have, in terms of animation, I'm making all the sprites and designs for this mod, first week of my mod shows off what I can do in terms of animation pretty well ( Ignore the cutscenes though, some scenes were animated by different people ))
Cutscene Animators - 0/2
Coders (LUA/MECHANICS) - 0/2
Music (Vocals) - 0/1
If you are interested in applying, just DM me with some examples of stuff you have done, so that I know if you are right for the job!
DM me at : *Melty* #3680 (on discord)
Or just DM me on gamejolt, whatever is easier lol