Ppl in the art:
(Cool ppl)
(Go follow all these ppl immediately :])
Woah friends and cool ppl
Ppl in the art:
(Cool ppl)
(Go follow all these ppl immediately :])
Little doodle I did in 4th block with a mouse
Not the best, but I’m proud with what I could still do with a mouse ^^
Kuri but they're awesome and cool and uhhh
Gay idk
Swag money
Drew fluttershy
(A lil Stylized of course ^^)
Drawing for the Interdimensional Beatdrop mod
Redesign for Ciro
(Kuri antagonist)
N03ll3 d00d1es X3
Drew some Toriel ^^
Random sketch (I plan on finishing it one day… maybe… or maybe it will stay on the WIP pile for month…)
Thirsty milkwoman
check out ferrets perspective when your done with this please :3