Had a hard time with enemies chasing you? Now they will have unique skills, but don’t worry. Their range and speed will be decreased, but they be more powerful than ever.
SNEAK peak information
Bomber monster will now throw bombs every interval.
Mutant Wolve will now splash poison on contact.
Flame demons will now be fixed and shoot 2 fireballs and will now have a chance to enchant speed and damage boost to nearby enemies.
Slimes will gain resistance to physical damage(swords) and damage, range and speed will be increased.
Cube-o-droid’s damage will be decreased and will spawn in 3s.
Boss slime is now able to reform itself after a set amount of time, health will be decreased.
Mech type monsters will now have a pause state after attacks. Some mechs will now shoot lasers, but movement speed and will be decreased.
PS: Have you heard of Roguelike???
Wonder what happens the next time you die? {×\/×}