1 year ago

World of Wonders (Future plans)

Hello everyone, Daniel here.

So this post is not a update post. But more about the future of World of Wonders as a whole.

I'll answer some questions that no one asked.

But one day will.

So starting this article up.

Q1: Will there be Ports/Enhancements?

A1:Highly likely. Steam seems like a good place to publish Enhancements with extra content, don't worry, The Enhancements will be free. + Some paid DLC sounds very interesting to say the least.

Q2: How many Games will there be?

A2: I am currently thinking of doing 10 games to start up with. Does being. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, Chronicles 1, Chronicles 2, Chronicles 3 and a game that fuses all of the 3 timeliness into each other to create a chaotic finale. Then work on prequels.

Q3: Will you ever create a team?

A3: Highly likely to, at least after I am done with World of Wonders 3. I see a team as lots of RPG Maker Game developers bonding and teaming up together. Reason for doing it after World of Wonders 3 is simple. I am still legally a minor. So i can't pay people who help working with me.

Q4: Will new elements be added.

A4: Bruh. Yes, I don't need to explain. But elements introduced in a game will likely not be added in the game of that timeline or other timeliness. But PSI in World of Wonders Chronicles will be returning every Chronicles games.

Finally Q5: Will there be more to expect from future games?

A5: That's up to future me to decide.

Anyways, thanks for reading this and have a wonderful day everyone one




Next up

Am i the puppet? or am i the puppeteer...

More to be revealed...

An broadcast is on its way. Both to the past. And the future.

December 15th

I think its time for me to return.

Now thats what i call HACKING.

(Note: This took like an hour to make. And the way i made it lets me make more of these sections so expect lots of these at later dungeon)

Also. It says Arthur Build, @ninesoulssea got a build of the game becuss hes a VA.

Saw the template. And made this.

News for my RPG Maker MV game: World of Wonder: Chronicles.

I have added some Yanfly plugins.

Which for some reason. Makes battles slow but alot better.

So this will change some battles visually and make some fights more fun.

What lies ahead might eat your life away.

More to be revealed.

3 goofy balls.

1: Basic

2: Sir Dingus (I have no idea from where he is. So I thought that he was from the Rift. Well he's actually made by @Theguestcreator . Sorry my bad for mistaking that)

3: Orho (Reborn design)

Read the article for context

The longer something stays. The closer till it breaks.

Read the article for info...