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Drew some random dusttrust + dusttrust x stuff (badly)
Twisted reality UH
Gonna take a break on this to make something for Undertale 9th Anniversary! (video maybe related)
I'm realizing how bad i am at writing character dialogue. AHHHHHH
Here's some new attacks along with a checklist so you guys can see how close we are to the demo release! Checklist is in article!
I start school on Wednesday so game progress will slow a little. Here's how progress is looking so far
Menu = 95% done (just waiting on song)
Phase 1 = 65% done
Phase 2 = 0%
(image above is most recent completed attack for phase 1)
Update maybe
I’m gonna be blunt. I’m bad at release dates. Just expect game sometime this month. (Check article for more info)
School gives me no time to code and by the time I hit break I’m so burnt out and am too tired to code. Not really sure what to do but I’ll finish a game one of these days
I’ve been live streaming making this game and I did a stream of it today! Go sub to my YouTube if you’d like to see this game be developed!