Translated text : Hi mom, please help me. Ineed your help now. I know that the things aren't that great after that incident, but please, get me out of here...
Name : Wryneck/Cream.GBA/Sayuri.
Gender : Female.
Age : Around 8 and 12.
History : A japanese girl in 1999, that, because of a fight with her mother, her mother snapped her neck of anger. After she saw what she had done with her own daughter, she bury her beneath a tree. Five years later, a Sega Building was built in japan on top of that tree. On that time (2004) they were making Sonic Advance 3, and because of that, Sayori's soul was stuck on the game. Ten years later, a persin named [REDACTED] found the game and opened it on their GBA. When they did it, Wryneck tought that their mom found her and tried to reaconsiliate bringing her back. When she found out that it wasn't her mother, she became sad, but [REDACTED] cheered her up. She was blind, so redacted helped her to fix things up. Because of all that things, [REDACTED] soul was being carefully being dragged to that world, and then, he became like an Tails on there.
Her Powers : Changing reality on her game. Removing her head. Summon a Chao or [REDACTED] to help her. Fly.



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WIP Violet Fanart

if this post gets 5 likes, @conic_the_cat will have to do art of Violet in this clothes

Sonic's birthday is almost here!

Check your quest log on June 21st to start the celebration!

(His birthday is the 23rd, but our party starts early.)


Rando Art Challenge! Transform this into a masterpiece of the Renaissance era. Use the tag #renaissance to show off your creation! (Tag an artist in the comments to let them know)

Soniku The Hedgehog Redesign


Imagine if Sonic Heroes was on the GBA

(not 100% accurate but just a fun idea I had)

I tried to make a Fan Design Lunightmare to NFaM, but it looks ugly ;-; (Knightmare)