Platform X

6 years ago

X² is being developed. More info with both X² and my other project in a livestream which will be announced over the next few days, in which I will show trailers and gameplay of the games.



Next up

I have started work on my next project. Don't worry, PFX isn't going anywhere. In-fact, the series has only just begun.

This is the first gameplay image without the game being WIP. The game is completely exported as it's own file. Oh, and the title screen interactivity has been made even more crazy, with a moonjump and super-speed because why not.

Coming Soon to Platform X:

1) Now, I did promise this for yesterday. So, I am now ready to announce the release date of Platform X. This is the uncensored news menu. You can see the release date at the bottom. Please note, level music is not included at this time.

Hey all! Sorry for the lack of info on upcoming updates recently, however there is a large update landing early this spring. Here is a comparison between v.1.0 and v.3.0's sprite. I have refined it even more since v.2.1 was released which made it crisper.

(1) Hey everyone! Platform X v.3.0.0 is coming closer by the day and small refinements are being made. The unlock system has caused multiple scripts to break during development, so to fix the issues I have added this screen which only appears once.

Hey all! I have started work on two projects. I don't want to say much yet, however this a screenshot of a *concept* level in the upcoming project. The grid is for a reason too. More information in a few weeks hopefully. ;)

Hey everyone! Just a reminder, version 1.0 of the game is out now. I will probably be releasing a bugfix at some point over the next week, so here's something to announce that v.2.0 will be available soon.

Hey everyone! Version 3.0.0 is upon us for Platform X. This version includes a lot in comparison to v.2.0.0. Why? Well, let this image sum it all up for you. (Yes I know it's a mess, but still.) There's an Android version too, more information very soon.

Platform X - v.3.0.0 will feature unlockable modes. These include Hard Mode, Experiences and the new Roller Mode. These modes are all very easy to unlock.