History : He came (like almost all the exes) from the void, but, he was too weak even to exist, until, he founded a sall porcentage of Xenophane, Lord X, X, EXE, and Fatal Error's codes, he absorved it and became a metamorphic demon, now, he have some of the powers of thoose exe's. (His favorite forms are : The one in the image, Xenophanes, X/Original EXE and Modern)
Powers : Flying, change form, travel trought dimensions, change size, fire & water control, change reality, dark magic, invocate his puppets and reset timeline's.
Sex : Male
Sexualitty : Aroace
Inspirations (for his creation) : Xenophanes and X/Original Sonic.exe/2011 EXE.
His inspirations : Lord X, X, Majin Sonic, Xenophanes, Hog, Needlemouse, Fatal Error, OMT and Thinner.
He likes : Play with his victims, play video games, play uno with his friends, Drink water (he hates the blood taste), eat food (cold or hot, he don't give a fuck), and go to other universes.
He hates : Lose in an game (without his friends in it, he can lose uno with his friends and don't reset the timeline because he is angry), drink blood and flirting with him.
Friends : Thinner, Exter, Señor X and Señor Majin.



Next up


WIP Violet Fanart

if this post gets 5 likes, @conic_the_cat will have to do art of Violet in this clothes

Shadow and Maria having a little stroll

mr hue hues

: Aseprite

: mem16

Violet The Cat-Fairy fanart!

Watch me being humiliated by a Determined Fish with a Spear, lol

Our 2024 Advent Calendar has opened! Day 28: @Silentfaith is a great Creator and comic artist who also codes fan games! Accept the quest and give them a follow to get Coins and a seasonal sticker!
