Hello poeple of the underverse, sorry to say that the game is cancelled for now, a lot of things in my life changed and I decided to not work on it anymore... I had a lot of problems irl, and I accumulate myself a lot of work because of my organization. But don't worry(I say that too much) I can't make any promess but I'm going to try to rework on the project, hope I get the determination to overwrite my past mistakes
The game is not available yet, but don't worry will try to build a team again with Google forms...
Oh and a last thing, if you want to play some prototype go on the @xtaleray page, his work is amazing, reusing my preset around the internet... I liked the prototype far from the original one I made and lost with a virus
Thank you so much for the new ones who followed me these last years and today
Please check my channel on ytb I made other music project
Stay good