y'all gonna beat our asses for not work on the game but we are!!
in fact, to have more contact with my "small community" i have made a quiz
have fun!
Next up
First roadmap update!
Some more progress screenshots of Five Nights At Steven's 2 REWORKED, coming for Gem Collection! Like mentioned on the last post, this version will have more content, aka: Achievements, new assets, fixed settings & mechanics and even controller support!
FNaSteven's 1 REWORKED - 1.1.0 Patch! Sorry it took us so long to release this small update but then again, school, personal lives, and long etc. With this, I'll announce the small & big changes/fixes/adjusments on this patch, have fun!
I have no idea who drew these, but I'm so thankful, they look beautiful and I want to show you guys some FNaS fan art <3
Rat Race Production Update
So before this year ends (at least for me) , I Went back and i drew all of the multi-player games i played on this year.
Thank you Guys so much! We hit 100 Followers Thank you so much!! :')
Happy birthday to the game that made me start making my fan-games! Despite me never being able to draw animatronics, I did a freddy in my stlye lol Happy 10th birthday Five Nights at Freddy's!