3 days ago
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Вы думаете что это обычный кот нет это кот удача:)
You think this is an ordinary cat, no, this is a lucky cat:)
нашёл прикольное видео(кста мне нравится)
I found a cool video (by the way, I like it)
чё бля нахуя он меня оскорбляет и других ребят к плюсу нахуя оскорбляет родители:/
what the fu#k is he insulting me and other kids for plus why the f#ck are the parents insulting :/
its actually so funny to see people saying “my first drawing this year!!” and its a masterpiece while mine its just this HEHRHRJEH
not exactly a ref sheet but his fully design + how to do the scars
1700 очков!:D
1700 points!:D
This goes out to all my friends and people who inspire me and look up to as they are all awesome and amazing ^^
Among US