this is the first time I will post my Tristanson, her name is Annie) (read about Annie in another post about the facts of my DnB OS, there is something about her there)
And in general, we are waiting for a DNB movie and voice acting from @87ZMarkoMyGameZ87

Next up
инвалид помидор 😂
disabled tomato 😂
себяшка :3
selfie :3
привета! и хорошая новость: я больше не болею, типо я выздоровела, вот :) [плохой новости нет]
hello! and good news: i do not get sick anymore, kinda i feel good, here :) [no bad news]
3D BF because I needed to make a 3D BF for Diamond Edition
он чёрный (Сэлл в гача онлайне)
he is black (Cell in gacha online)
с**а… почему на гж столько ТАКИХ пользователей? (у которых нсфв контент)
b***h… why are there SUCH users on gj? (who has nsfw content)
сколько видео на моём телефоне:
сколько видео на моём компе:
how much videos on my phone:
how much videos on my computer:
D&B in Sr Pelo's art style
The First one is The Spooky mouth art style and
The Second is The Simple Art Style
очень хитрое лицо)) [НА 18+ НЕ НАМЕКАЮ, НЕ БАНЬТЕ МЕНЯ!]
very tricky face)) [I AM NOT HINT ON 18+ THING, DO NOT BAN ME!]