Hey everyone! While developing deluxe, I decided that I wanted to ask a few questions, so I know how to continue the game going forward with what I have currently!
What is your favorite part about Yap and Yell?
If you were to change anything, what would it be?
Who is your favorite Yap and Yell Character?
What were you hoping to see in the canceled sequel?
What did you like about the canceled sequel?
What versions of the characters are your favorite?
What did you think of the minigames
What did you think of the Halloween update?
What did you think of custom night?
Do you prefer point and click stationary gameplay (Fnaf 1, 2, 3, etc) or Roaming gameplay (Security Breach, Sister Location, Fnaf 4, etc)
Thank you for taking the time to read these! Hope to update you all soon!