2 days ago
Yea,ty. Also its not like we have students who hates being on camera or whatever,lol. Not gonna do it tbh.
Next up
Toki as a cat =]
Sounds right but change it to tecting,lol
My brother is also taller than a tree =D
This is what this BS of a fckn rule is about for my school.
Ok,tell me why u changed the names 😤
Idk,lol. You want to walk around naked and cold? Bc thats the main reason we wear clothes
Same naomi,same
This episode is sad =c So,they had friends named Mark and Debby who i guess were killed at this place. I feel bad for the crew
=< I have school but im hoping by the time i get done today or at least by the time its the after noon it'll still be there
So assume that something is wrong in someones house right? ok 🖕