Yeah, I’ll Discuss some things right now and make a “little” apology to you guys. I’m sorry I never uploaded the trailer or animated teaser for the game. I slacked a bit while being stumped as well on my continuing approach for them. The trailer is 60% complete, meanwhile the teaser is 30%. Still, I screwed you guys and myself over with this a bit as I promised a weeks ago to release both videos AND the new menu teaser, although I have a bit of an excuse for the menu video’s delay as there were a few bad bugs in Fusion. Thankfully, an update patch was released yesterday and the issues I’ve been having were fixed so far (Sprite & audio importing bugs mainly) I’ll be releasing the new menu video tomorrow finally after those bugs were ironed out. I don’t know what to say for the trailer, video teaser, and demo/ beta but they aren’t too far behind.
Now that I got that out of the way, now I’ll discuss about what I’ve been ACTUALLY doing recently. So for TNSaTC, I’ve been working more in sprites & little animations for in the game as I found that more easier to complete during then. 80% of these materials have been complete as of now so continuing with the programming will be straight-foward. Now to the offline stuff. Recently, I’ve also been occupied with redoing parts of my home & property, so that has been taking up a chunk of my summer-break so far. That’s pretty much it.
I’m sorry for all this trouble guys, I know that these are my decisions for how the game should go but the fact that I promised something to you guys and never fir-filled them is sinply douchey and I’m very sorry for that. I’ll try and make it up for you guys with all the spare time I have that I spent half the time before slacking on Twitter that I shamelessly emphasized throughout here and make it right. Wanted to mention as well that my birthday is in about 5 days so there will be more special content posted then on some platforms so, yee.
Thank for reading my NOVEL of an update as I “tried” to make it short as to not to make you suffer so much of boredom as I can ramble for damn AGES. (No shit Sherlock) I just simply felt that another brief and ironicly unopologetic update like the last few would be pathetic. Anyways, thank you for sticking by and see ya’ll later, bye!