3 years ago

yeah so here's my personal list of the engineer weapons



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Demo Gaming

aaaaaaaaaaaaajegrsfjtykbhlgkfdjrtedrtfyguhigresawsdrfgtyhujikoqaswderfgthyujiklowsedfrgtyhujiklopaqswedrfgyhujikloawsedrftgyhujikolwasderftgyhjuiklopawsedrftghyujlop;q1q2w3e4i90op-aqesdrhukoa3ws45d6f7g8h9jk0o-la4sde5fr6hy8ju9ik0ol4awsed5fr6gt7hy8uijo 1 hp


Engineer Loadout, if you all wouldn't mind

G o l d

Engineer Gaming

I want you to see a bug, where 11 people fit into a Advanced MvM boot-camp officially made by valve, yeah

Funny Close-up of a heavy's face, yeah that's it

Yeah this guy was actually a real player and not a bot, who would've guessed?

Successful landing
