This map's crew would've been completely random Fazbear INC. employees; Andrew Day, Jamie Ross, Mel Foster and Tyler Backström. (yes its a exact reference to you already know)
Same as before; day and night shifts, make sure everything in the factory is okay and all. I'm not going to bore you with the gameplay, so onto a "summary" of the story!
After the introduction and the first day-shift starts, Fazbear INC. employees could be seen around walking or working. You could also see Riley Lambert, who was in an office you couldn't enter; only hearing their muffled voice talking to a red phone. (Yes, she's the phone person during the night-shifts.)
As the hours and night go on, the crew stumbles upon a false wall leading down... somewhere. The crew debates going down, arguing that "if they go there they'll get in big trouble." - The argument is broken by Tyler and Mel having a game of rock paper scissors. Mel comes up on top, forcing the crew to go in despite the disinterest.
Good thing they did. Or bad. As they find blood, equipment and all everywhere—as three suits, Buster—Saber and Daisy (the beast) are sat on the floor. The smell seems to be coming from them. Clearly, something happened here. Before the crew can investigate further, Alison comes into the room quickly and kindly asks the crew to get out. They quickly comply, having worried looks and not wanting to find out what would happen if they didn't.
Night 2 is where it gets interesting; a fifth player party slot is unlocked. Who does the fifth player play as? An employee with only the nametag "Jackson." They also meet Lynda who attacks them—but strangely enough—except Jackson. Andrew thought this was strange and brings it up in a day-shift conversation, Jackson simply responding with "I'm just lucky."
... Interrogation and suspicions later, Jackson finally gives in and reveals themselves; Jackson Schultz. The brother of Charles, son of Peter and Lynda—and father of Carson. He decided to work here to "carry on his father and brother's legacy", the secondary reason being because Jackson was sent to a different family and raised a child and daughter of his own after that—he wanted to connect with Charles once again. He believes he can still find Charles.
Tragic brother story aside, Riley Lambert has a thing going on with another employee named Amy Plum. Amy has a power to "plunge herself into different realms" and shared it with Riley. Simply put, it's the thing Amy said in this image for The Road That Falls. Yep. That's her.

(RELEVANT FACT: In the model for both Riley Lambert and Amy Plum, they could be seen wearing "friendship armbands and bracelets.")
Riley thought it was cool and thought... What if, she could bring back Charles, Thompson and Gavin from the dead? What if she could rewrite history to the point they never died? What if Alison was never a bad person?
Riley attempts this during the background of Night 4, coming up empty-handed. This also teleported Charles' body into the place, where Jackson finally finds out the fate of his brother.
After Night 5, Riley and Amy have the great idea to get back at Alison—messing with the animatronics and suits to kill the employees and anything else in their way. This quickly backfired, as Alison was pretty much the "leader that they should follow" to the suits and animatronics.
Andrew, Jamie, Mel, Tyler and Jackson quickly make it out of the facility as they run back to the city. The last cutscene shows Riley and Amy stepping into the portal machine from the original TRTF: Desolation, as after the credits—Carson shows up, starting the events of TRTF 5/Desolation. The end!
... also it's heavily implied that Riley and Amy got married in one of their dimension trips. Yes. We kept the joke running to the last map.