As some of you may know, Miles' Games is kind of a close friend of mine and I care about him a lot. One thing about him, is that he doesn't really like speaking about things that make him feel uncomfortable because he doesn't want to be rude, and that's okay. But one thing that he really, REALLY does not like is when people make sexual jokes of his characters, or say "SMASH" and such along those lines, especially if it's the characters from Yap and Yell. It really can hurt his feelings, and I kindly ask on his behalf to please stop doing stuff like that to him. I admit I have done it too, and I have apologized for it. I get it may be funny to you, but to him it really drains him mentally. Please be respectful of his feelings, okay? Thx.
Ykw, I think I'll say this because I think it's important for my friend.
Next up
Hey, so sorry for intruding with a non-art post, but I think it's important to inform all the Twitter artists on here that there is now a feature (that doesn't seem to be optional) that will let people generate similar images right under your art posts.
Doing a full redesign of King because screw Tobycore, Imma do my own thing.
No Pets Allowed
I decided to try and revamp some of Mother's sprites, and wow. I forgot how bad Ninten looks in this game. Not even close to his original clay model. Mine are on the right, same color/tile/size restrictions and everything. Still a WIP.
More Undertale Gameboy sprites. One thing I keep trying to emulate is that old-school jank that old Gameboy graphics had.
So Toby just casually mentioned Tenna on Bluesky, and based on what he says here, this could mean two things. 1. Tenna is going to be absolutely insufferable. 2. Toby is being sarcastic and Tenna is going to be some fan-favorite character.