Peppermint Palace

2 years ago

“You can trust me..”

Render and model by @CrymzonGames

Character by @J7-Nebula

Apply here to help us with the game!



Next up

:0 character by: @J7-Nebula

Drew Jollity for @CrymzonGames since we don’t really have a lot of posters with her… or with Gumdrop

{Sugar Rush belongs to @CrymzonGames }




The main building received a new face lift! Didn't like the previous one. Window posters: @J7-Nebula

Another Small Update

‘A new part of Peppermint Palace, a place where adults can chill and enjoy their own beverages. With an animatronic bartender known as Righty Dighty, so come to ‘The Righty Way Bar.’




We're getting a lot of progress done with FNFN, so here's one of the new things we've finished up!

The worst monster of them all…

Model and render by me

Character by @J7-Nebula

As promised, here’s the drawing of Peppermint after so long.

Please do not repost this anywhere.

This may be my final post to the game page for a while.



Hiatus has Ended + official final poster reveal!!

Merry Early Christmas from the Peppermint Palace Team!



