You ever wonder why there are Barrel Bros just chillin' in the Engine Enthusiasts' base?
Next up
(fun fact I don't even remember registering to vote. They literally had to send me a thing saying "hey you're registered to vote why haven't you mailed in your ballot yet")
two funny things about this talk tree: -it's missing one of the branches that was added post-planning (to handle a loop) -it's only accessible if you got to one of two talk branches on the OTHER huge tree (one of the ones that ups a specific variable)
Well, that's concerning.
Demon Days
No worries, "Buzzo Hopeful" as you've been calling it (actually LISA: The Hopeful: One Face Of Rage) is alive. I just cook slow as fugggkkkkkkkk
CHRIST B*TCH!!!!! Stop emoting so much!!!!
For reference I included the equivalent compliment of campfire sprites for Buzzo (it literally fits into a file with the $ prefix)
alright brad now you need to pick between your arm and your party member