1 like and 23 fucking views WHAT THE FUCK



Next up

Tomorrow ill have to go to school bro


"Its a me...a mario"

This is the first oc i made that is conjoined [idk how its called but i think is coinjoined]

Also alpha possible couple?

#MarioDayPowerup im betwen the tanooki leaf and the fire flower because i love their design and mechanics

Image NOT related

Follow thse people they are ABSOLUTE CINEMA

I feel like i have to do tyis incase of some people [nobody] asks me if they can draw my oc's

If you ask me what is the inspiration for most of my oc's ill say "THIS BITCHES" and shwo you this little goobers

Gonna have some papas johns in thr car rn

Outside of school waiting for my dad to pick me up,its raining rn