3 years ago

You keep a book locked up? What's it going to do, give me a paper cut?

#Anomalies #Knowledge #SCP069 #NowHasACommunity #JoinIt #GetUpdatesADayEarly



Next up

Someone said it didn't have a pause menu or an inventory, well that got added along with a few other things to help you along on your journey. Enjoy!

#Anomalies #Ingame #SneakPeak #SubjectToChange #Suggestions #Improvements

There's something wrong with the Foundation. I have to find out how to fix it.

#Anomalies #ComingSoon #AlphaIfYouAsk #SoloDev #LetsDoThis #SCP

What, you think I only made the one Access Card? Oh no no, I have the whole collection implemented and ready for you to work your way up!

#Anomalies #YourNewID #NewGame #NewCommunity

So you're telling me it just appeared one day? In a containment cell?

#Anomalies #SCP #5000 #ComingSoon #TestingOpen

Here at the foundation we have several departments dedicated to all different things.

#Anomalies #ScreenshotSunday #Newgame

You keep a book locked up? What's the worst it could do?

#Anomalies #SCP069 #newgame #Iwanttoreadit #storymode

It's been quite for a while. Maybe its safe to come out?

Alpha 0.1 now live. Next update will have any missing content and any suggestions added in. Play up to Admin and explore a bit.


#Anomalies #FinallyAStoryVersion