and other stuff but one moment he asked me "hey pal I gotta question for ya" of course I was open to questions so I said yea what's up? he replied have you ever felt lonely? of course I chuckled and said yea I do sometimes because most of the time I used to sit I said to him "well times I will feel that way but then you have friends that make you feel not lonely at all". Most of you guys know I'm a wise person in certain situations I help a lot of people sometimes and time and time again I just feel like an old man waiting for someone to talk to hehe.....
2 years ago
You know days like these I feel like im more than what I am like a killer whale swimming or a lion sitting in the sun or just a stone golem taking care of things...reminds me of a time I was talking to a nice friend of mine we were talking about comics
Next up
Its somewhat ready but im getting this message right now....
Do i hear 500 followers and 30k likes pog???????!!??!!
Chatting with a vilager
The brothers
First house completed + 1 build
How can I make this look like those humen anime fan arts?
Deep dark lore is near (yes i bought it.... it was taking to long what ya gonna do about it)
I may retire soon + anime version of me
Changing core sans...completly...with some help