2 months ago

You may have noticed that I record videos with Aero off, and I have a pretty good reason for that.

When I open OBS Studio with Aero on, it sets my FPS down to 20, even if the FPS value is at 60. There's an option in OBS Studio that disables Aero which fixes the low FPS issue if you are running Windows 7.


Here's another screenshot after I disabled Aero, now the FPS is at 60!




Next up

This is my OBS recording settings.

The experimental update is out now!

Minecraft Snapshot 25w09a is out!

You can watch the video here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6PK34Qpl5Lk

Or you can read the article: https://www.minecraft.net/en-us/article/minecraft-snapshot-25w09…


This tornado is huge ;-;

Thanks for 20,000 likes!

Trophy earned!

5 years ago...

I'm doing a stream soon, don't miss it. (4 PM PST)