You want to win at Bloody Nights? Heres a great strategy explanation. He also adresses why cameras matter too :P REALLY GOOD VIDEO!
Next up
Cat. Milka. 9 years old.
Big trouble maker.
Once we reach 2.000 followers on the VR page of the game, we will show some images and reveal the characters how they are looking. Thanks again everyone who already followed and still supports us, means a lot! This new version is a great improvement!
Well, i told you the game will be bad. If they wont alow us having fun, then we will play somewhere else.
Basic functionalities of the office are working. Now all animations work well and alight good with the enviroment. Its all WIP still, some other things would be added and looks are not yet final. the posters will change, dont worry. What do u think?
B... B-Bonnie on the West Corner. Last one WIP for today.
The Return to Bloody Nights is now called Classic: Making Progress - The Last Update
Public Response to Community Concerns - TRTBN Classic Updates, Upcoming TRTBN VR and Personal Life (A MUST READ)
As a young & dedicated developer, I'm committed to growth and improvement. Original was a pretty good game but we want more. Please share your feedback on the original TRTBN and your suggestions for enhancements in the upcoming VR remake.