Skeletron Prime is going to attack Game Jolt on November 18th! 😱 Luckily, Jolters from around the world can work together to keep this technological terror at bay! However, here there be spoilers, so read ahead at your own risk!
Here's the inside scoop. You can prepare for Skeletron Prime's arrival by completing Terraria-themed quests to get ingredient stickers. Once you have the ingredient stickers, you can use them to craft weapons by placing them on the appropriate Crafting Station!
Want to use your Fallen Star sticker? Place it on the STAR CANNON Crafting Station!
Looking to lighten your load of Ichor? Place them on the GOLDEN SHOWER Crafting Station!
Shark fin stickers burning a hole in your pocket? Place them on the MEGASHARK Crafting Station!
Want to use up your Souls of Light stickers? Place them on the LIGHT DISC Crafting Station!Skeletron Prime arrives on November 18th! (We'll even give you extra weapons over the weekend to help you strike back.) Keep your eyes peeled for his fiendish fireside to take the fight to him!
GJ Pro-Tip: You can get more swords & weapons by liking posts and comments on Game Jolt