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A unknown set of Tomy Pac-Man wind-up toys have 2 black and white ghosts instead of Blinky and Clyde
Recently Laszlo Palfi revealed Pac-Man Angry Bird's real name to be Pac-Man Slingshot.
smc world come soon yes yes
In Pac-Man World, the classic mode uses art based on the Puckman cabinet as a boarder.
cancelled the other map BUT
Several games that never came out were shown alongside the announcement of the Namco Catalog IP Program.
Tegen's NES Ms Pac-Man contains a easter egg where when Ms Pac and Pac bounce off eachother repeatedly, Baby Pac-Man spawns. Eating them gives 5000 points.
chuck stop it
the New room
replacing the tiles with modern ones soon
Ms. Pac-Man has been used as a sponsor for several breast cancer awareness programs