5 months ago

These projects need YOUR help!

(updated on November 16)

(read article )

If you know about a project that is not on this list, then let me know and I will add it! The same applies to certain positions in the list!


~ Team Nebula's Undertale: Courage by Team Nebula (discord channel - jeffthecowfish72) - spriters. Google form:


~ UNDERTALE : a call for JUSTICE by WendLolzz (discord channel - wendlolzz) - artists (pixel, promo, tileset, concept), coders, game designers, musicians, beta testers, writers

~ Undertale: Brave Beginnings by Team Beginnings - spriters, coders, music composers. Google form:


Also read more here:


~ UNDERTALE: BLUE by MooyaađŸŒȘ (discord channel - mooyaa06b) - composers

~ Undertale Bravery: Tale Of The Fearless by SnackLord (discord channel - snacklord_) and team - spriter

~ undertale BRAVERY (utb) by Lucie (discord channel - lucie_banane) and team undertale-bravery - coders, musician. Google form:


~ Undertale Broken Soul by bliss_gd (discord channel - bliss_gd) and team - team members. Google form:


~ Undertale - BT!Bravery by Beam Team (discord channel - yenn59770811)- coders

~ Undertale Heartedness by 《☆Cerealist☆》(discord channel - imamgoofygooberyeah) and Heartedness Team - artists, musicians, battle spriters, character designers, coders (working on Gamemaker Studio). Google form:


~ Undertale Green Kindred Cooks by Nova!Ink (discord - channel - aindieinksplat) and team - coders and other team members

~ Undertale: No Mercy by JefftheCowfish72 (discord channel - jeffthecowfish72) - writers

~ UNDERTALE ORANGE: "The Brave One" by DareTeam - coders (working on GameMaker). Google form:


~ Undertale:Out Of Time by team Tales_of_Patience (discord channel - ⊰⌉Bone—Appetit⌈⊱) - team members (coders must work on Gamemaker Studio). Read more here:


~ Undertale Purple by Arisant (discord channel - mr_arisant) and team - artists. Google form:


~ Undertale Purple by Miracle_Captors714 (discord channel - miracle_captors714) and team - spriters

~ Undertale Symphony by R.B.N (discord channel - rainbowcanedy) and team - artists (2D and pixel), designers, coders (working on Gamemaker Studio), writers, musicians. Google form:


~ Undertale: Tenacious Road by TeamTenacious - coders, pixel artists, musicians, writers, digital artists. Google form:


~ Undertale Tenacity by team UT Tenacity - musicians, GML coders, artists, writers. Google form:


Also read more here:


~ Undertale Tranquility by Cel1414 (discord channel - cel1414) and team - coders (working on Godot or Gamemaker), artists (concept, promotional, tileset), spriters, writers. Google form:


~ Undertale Violet by Pretty Mewish (discord channel - pretty.mewish.alt) and team - coders (working on Godot). Google form:


~ UnderTeal by Colbert Liefeld (discord channel - koliekoala) - team members


~ AnxietyTale by Yasmy and Team Heartstring - coders, artists, writers, musicians, game testers, spriters and other team members. Google form:


~ DUSTTALE by FIash_ - coders. Read more here:


~ Revival's Underfell by Team-UF - concept artists

~ TX! UNDERSWAP by Cheese - coders, musicians, artists, writers. Google form:

~ UnderTale: DoctorTale by Tim DN - team members. Read more here:


~ Undertinge by Mr-Mitten and TeamTinge - coders

~ UNDERWARS by Paquete and Team Galaxy - musician, level designers, beta testers


~ Deltafell: The Darkest Fates by Souls Team - spriter, artist, coder (working on Kristal Engine), composer, map maker (reconstruction of original maps). Google form:


~ Deltarune: Evacuation by Team Metal N' Magic - musicians, pixel artists, coders

~ Deltarune: Wilter’s Wonderland by RazFraz and team - coders (working on Kristal/Love2D/Lua). Read more here:


~ Team Nightfall's DELTARUNE by Floagan (discord channel - floagan) and team - spriters, musicians, coders (working on Kristal Engine). Read more here:




Next up

BRONT - True Wind Warrior (OC)

Pixel black-white and color concept art

My take on Noelle by @bL1SsGD (and Deltarune development team)!

(please note that there are two drawings made using different tools: read more in the article)

My take on the characters of the game DAG!UNDERFELL by team @DAGUNDERFELL !

Undertale Icebound: Blossoming bravery.


If you think I've decided to change my image, then you're wrong. It's just that @PmAt2TobyFoxFan took my clothes and offered me this one...

It was so cruel of him



(sneak peek?)

I have already made a number of sprites, and I was able to make this simple animation. It's all at an early stage of "development" so far...

It's not working out very well, but I'm trying my best

This picture shows the concepts of three monsters that could be used in the development of DAG!UNDERFELL. Unfortunately, this project has been canceled, and now I can show you what kind of monsters we could meet in the game...

The problems don't want to recede, but even in this turbulent flow of events, I find a little time to do what I love.

Here's a small fragment of the drawing (I know it's hands again ), although I think it's quite enough to create a bit of intrigue.