Dungeons and Dragons
Post about Dungeons and Dragons!

So very true

Horses are good for pulling things, and goats are good at eating things that shouldn't be edible, so why not combine them?!

I mean, maybe ethics for one but-

This is the Ghorse, a genetically modified creature in the ttrpg campaign I'm making for my group

In a table top rpg game my uncle ran, my aunts character (and by extension the party) had an old school rattle that could create shifts in reality

It’s her birthday today, and last night me and my dad put this together!

Happy birthday Aoife!

Crimson's Descent (2022)

Astrin and his adopted daughter Eleni

Here is an image used to represent the cosmology of the world in the campaign I'm working on.

Heaven above, and the Abyss below, and the place where the humans live called the "land between" (yes, I borrowed that name from Elden Ring)

D&D Monsters Part 1: The Beholder :3

These are the gods I designed for a table top rpg I'm going to run. I started with the names of the planets and borrowed some of the basic ideas of the gods, but then I extrapolated a lot.

These are the main 5 gods worshipped.


Im making some character designs for a DND campaign for me and my friends that we are doing :3

Talathel the Last Elf (2022)