Post about Amanda the Adventurer!

Nearly had a heart attack! 🤣
(Full video on my YouTube channel) #amandatheadventurer #amandatheadventurer2

cams are being worked on

Amanda The Adventurer Story Explained in One Minute. (Full gameplay on my YouTube Channel) #amandatheadventurer

little art ive made for ata! I really like this game. Ive made art of it since the demo but my art back then looked like actual booty cheeks| #Amandatheadventurer

this game is cool and all but hwhy are you allns o scared ofb her like com eon look at this thing and tell me that is the real amandna stupid!!!(ur not stupid itis just a funny silluy post,happy haloween!!!

I binge watched Amanda the Adventurer 2 gameplays then was like hold on today IS Monday so i rushed to make this