Grand Theft Auto
Post about Grand Theft Auto!

Como Si No Fuera Tu Carro 🚸 #gta5online


It's been a long day 😔

Get ready for a journey of wealth and power in Grand Theft Auto V (GTA 5). This guide shows you how to make endless money and copy rare cars. You'll be the top dog in Los Santos streets.

Explore cheats and glitches that make you rich.


Monkey enjoying peak pause music.

Hello add me!

If you had to choose a game to relax some minutes, someone would say Minecraft, others idk... But I'm choosing GTA V (offline, cuz online is like a ww2 sim) Why? because you can do whatever you want, without getting any kind of "prison thing" #GJAsks


This was justifiable. Lazlow deserved it for trying to have his way with Tracey during the audition on national tv. I think every dad will do the same thing.



Watch where you going asshole!