Post about Halo!

Locus from Red Vs Blue (Chorus trilogy)

This will probably be the only time i'll draw spartan armor from Halo, its too detailed for me to draw properly/accurately

Who here likes Red Vs Blue?

#GJAsks (What's the scariest villain in a videogame)

When I've played Halo the first time the flood and the library were a trauma time

best use of over 4 hours beating halo 3 lol


WTF!!! Dudes on a streak!!!


OMG!!! Bro came from from nowhere!!!


When I was younger, I had no idea who was trying to communicate with me through the original Xbox dashboard, but it was a definite nope from me. 😨👽


I just played the first 2 levels of some 8 bit Halo: Combat devolved!! It was pretty fun, and I suggest you go check the video out!!

Not surprised

Unsettling Stuff