Mortal Kombat
Post about Mortal Kombat!

omfg I found Sub-Zero in Regular Show! OoO

Dont Forget This Game


(Video) Kano - Mortal Kombat 11

Eye is held on with spirit gum and coin cell powered.

(Since I clearly am not built like Kano, I thought about adding a silicon muscle shirt.)

(Pics) Kano - Mortal Kombat 11

Eye is held on with spirit gum and coin cell powered.

Since I clearly am not built like Kano, I thought about adding a silicon muscle shirt.

Kano’s “Fisherman’s Friend” knives are ready! The whole ensemble posts soon.



I love to play Mortal Kombat 11

Mortal Kombat 11 is my #FavoriteGame


Here's a fanmade Mortal Kombat M.U.G.E.N game I made! I really hope you guys like it! you can also download it! (its free)

I was thinking about this today and good thing I was cause I think I'm gonna get it

Amulet of Shinnok - Mortal Kombat Series (green stone version)

Considered one of the most powerful objects in the MK universe.