Post about Naruto!

Does she look like Rin?

Она похожа на Рин?

Nagato of the rinnegon!


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Nagato Uzumaki. Please rate ?/10

In my opinion, he's a little funny))

Нагато Узумаки. Оцените пожалуйста ?/10

На мой взгляд, он немного смешно))

Image 1 - Beginning sketch

Image 2 - After smoothing and cleaning up messy lines

Kurama the nine tailed fox!

Rate it (?/10)


Drawn at the request of @Tobi5946

Please rate it ?/10....But...😭😭

Пожалуйста оцените ?/10 но.. Блин 😭😭


Прекрасно. 😌👌

Utsotsuki boruto!

Please rate my drawing (?/10)

Cool sasuke!

Please rate my drawing (?/10)
