No Man's Sky
Post about No Man's Sky!

I fricking LOVE this game :DD

#GJAsks no man sky would be a great game to be turned into a movie! Spore can be a great one too, but very hard to implement

【No Man's Sky】

I keep finding "paradise" planets that look like this... So gross...

【No Man's Sky】

... I landed on the wrooooooong planet!

【No Man's Sky】

Well it only took nearly 600 hours of gameplay time across multiple saves, but I finally found my very own squid ship. Crazy how rare these are...

【No Man's Sky】

This planet's terrain was a pain to navigate on foot, and it was honestly kind of ugly during the day... LOL

The sunset, though!

【No Man's Sky】

This game decided to give me 4 A-class sentinel ships that had all crashed in the same spot... Every time I repaired one and lifted off, there was a duplicate ship left in its place.

Not complaining! They're worth a lot of units!


【No Man's Sky】

Taking a little walk through the lovely pink grass.

【No Man's Sky】

I found a paradise planet that has soft pink grass. Really want to find a paradise planet with yellow grass and a blue sky to build my main base on, but this one is pretty nice.

【No Man's Sky】

Sometimes I truly amaze myself... Like, how can anyone even park this badly?