PC Building Simulator
Post about PC Building Simulator!

I bought a 'Mystery PC' for only £70! But what did I get? Will it work? & was it worth the risk? 😬🖥️

I bought a MYSTERY PC for £70
What kind of PC can you really expect for £70?! Well we're here to find out! I noticed this "PC CASE" listed on an Auction site as just that a CASE ONLY but ...


What you been up to today?

I've been fixing a PC up for a local person, trying to just do a good deed, also I do enjoy messing around with PC's & it was some content I could film 🖥️😅


Twice in 2 days, now he's talking about the Cooler Master PC I mentioned a month ago 😂 think someone at Linus Tech Tips might be a Colesy fan haha

I'm entirely joking, just a funny coincidence 😄

Here's the PC - https://amzn.to/3Qpg7YC

Facebook Marketplace Fail 🤦‍♂️

Cheaper to buy the 3060 Ti BRAND NEW on Amazon - https://amzn.to/3r0oVK5

People need to realise what THEY PAID when they bought it, isn't what it is worth now. 😅

Seriously, £3 for a Graphics Card! Who wouldn't buy it? 🤷‍♂️


£3 Graphics Card from Car Boot?! | Will it work?
When offered with a deal like this £3 Graphics Card at a Car Boot/Flea Market, it's hard to pass up just on the off chance that it is functional, if not...we...

I was struggling to edit videos & write code in VMs due to hitting memory limits. My laptop had 16GB RAM.

So I upgraded 16GB (8/8) -> 40GB (8/32).

Now when editing videos it idles at around 19GB of used memory. No wonder I was struggling on 16GB!!!


3 VR PC'S under $900 in just 60 seconds! 🖥️😍 (US Edition 🇺🇲)

PC 1 - https://amzn.to/3naGK7p

PC 2 - https://amzn.to/3JCFaCx

PC 3 - https://amzn.to/3lvybDF

Full video - https://youtu.be/6QaWmVLrOWg

NEW BUDGET friendly 'VR READY' Gaming PC's | Perfect for PC VR GAMING 2023
⬇️ All PC's featured Linked Below ⬇️My last video recommending VR READY PC's did so well & still gets so many comments asking for recommendations 3 years lat...