Plants vs. Zombies
Post about Plants vs. Zombies!


Melon Pult Sticker added!

Give charged sticker and it will be yours.


New plant (very wip)

ignore the lag in the first 15 seconds of the video idk why it does that :(


garden warfare music style attempt

I think im just missing the drum roll, timpani and choir

it would probably be better if i had those

Eng: New logo and app icon for next Pvz fan game

Rus: Новое лого и иконка приложения для следующим фан игрой pvz


It's really the apocalypse

Hello muy name is Rafael AND i would like to know if anyone would like to play a vs mode of Pvz it's versus time version 1.45 beta with me and i would also like to play Someone new to me

Gleep Glorp Zlorp

Monofied Gloom-Shroom and Doom Shroom

Plants Vs Zombies - Scaredy Shroom and Fumeshroom