Post about Subnautica!

Took me 6 years to realize THERE WAS a full version of this banger from Subnautica :O

(When the Cyclops is on fire)

I present to you a subnautical fauna fan class I named it "SEMI-LEVIATHANS"

I explain the class better in the post article

The three little guys up here are literally the reaper, reefback and sea Dragon but frozen, in other words DRIP

Okay, almost all the images up here are going to be for a subnautica drawing that I'm going to do

From wishing luck to the demon of procrastination, it doesn't stop me

Fandom gargantuan vs my gargantuan version

I want to create a cult for the peeper

Question 1: is this leviathan the Gargantuan leviathan

Question 2: is this real or fake?

just watched the aurora explode a 1000 meters above the water

i just fell 1400 meters form sea level in subnautica and found out that under the Arora is the end of the game


i got stuck