Post about Terraria!

I just found something really cool: https://terraria.fandom.com/wiki/Resurrection_Potion



Random Pixle Art Portrait I made on a whim 1-5?

Люди чаще делали надземный грибной биом чем литую кирку


Memes I Found On TikTok Part 2/ Part 100 (You Can Laugh Go Touch Grass & Snow & Rock & CaseOh s Butt)


Memes I Found In TikTok Part 1/Part 100 (GO TOUCH GRASS NOW!!!)

The air is getting colder around you...

It's been some time since I've done my last terraria boss but I'm still aiming to make a gif for all of the bosses at some point.(Maybe remaking some of the ones that I don't like as well :d)

Hope you like it :)

S3 WITH the Electrosphere Launcher LOLOLO-


Favorite game, play terraria if you have not