Talk and Hang Out! It's A Nest Y'Know!

Hello! I'm @Gigs-The-Giggle ! Welcome to my profile! It's nice to meet you! If you didn't read the description I made a summary for you in the article! (Shoutouts will be in the article soon..) Q&A Is in the Shouts if you want to ask a question!


Welcome to -Grumble's- Nest/ New Community! The Rules are the same as The Granny Fan Games Community.

You already know -Giggle- hates Glow Sticks {Please don't throw them at the Giggles.. This is a Grumbles Nest..}

I don't hate Giggles nor Grumbles, I know they are annoying sometimes but I don't really hate them. We all have opinions.

@Gigs-The-Giggle owner
Report A community for 5 months