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I literally wheezed from laughter when 10:41 came around and no this isn't my video I put this from how I just laughed at that momment when the sub in the video just hung outside of a body of water (woops spoilers!)


and Dang it I forgot I was going to do episode two earlier >3 this is what I mean't by my forgetfulness since I've actually been soft locked to age 15 in my Au which I'd actually be older if I wasn't soft locked to this age (don't ask why > w <)

ok what the heck did I just find \ 0L0 /


and we are back to 200 followers here I nearly wheezed while I was typing this but I found something that I actually found very funny and its from my favorite Youtuber Merg! and yes this is because I just reached 200 follows again


*starts wheezing uncontrollably* I was expecting a bit more than just one person to join at that time ._. on the discord server I made and I'm just wheezing after seeing that theres only me, my alt, and chaotic silence on the server (read on?)

so heres the none expiring link to it I actually just noticed that its under the link itself in small font well heres the link anyways just hope it stays

ok back from it that happened because I had to eat something revolting earlier and couldn't hold it anymore well at least I got it out the way

yeah I'm about to puke right now I'm not telling why though going to need to be afk for a bit

._. ok who the F@#! voted that I was @Verifyed_Unknown no really who did? be honest and I just smacked myself earlier due to that if you guys didn't believe me earlier I actually did (read on?)

also if someone says I'm @Verifyed_Unknown then I'm about to just slap myself about now and I might just have to splash some water on myself to calm down I'm not going to judge ok? (just try to be honest!)

  11 votes Voting finished