randomness in what should I do next?

Share your creations!

also lol thats alot of small sans

don't blame me for posting this but I have 36 friends and most of them are inactive in this time that we are in also I'm still lonely on that roleplay post I made earlier it still has no responses from anyone other than me doing sad comments on there

well since I found this on @david_23's profile may as well say  #david_23isverycool because I looked (don't ask why its just randomness that I decided to post [I don't mean this as a bad post if you get the wrong message from it]

what just happened? no really its a wall of spikes with a few lingering ones also and this was just for fun not for a challenge or anything but we can do a landmine army sometime (what I mean is an invisible wall)

I like this theme I just found I might use it on something but if I do I'll credit the rightful owner (the person who made it for reals) I'll put the link in the article for ya folks